Start Dreaming

Read our Interview with Target Accelerators
Published: Oct 15, 2020

Takeoff: What inspired you to start PillowSheets™?
PillowSheets™: Once upon a time, our Chief Executive Dreamer, Nadia Galloway, sought to redefine sleeping like a baby. As a Preparatory School owner who was continually monitoring safety regulations for the state, and the American Board of Pediatrics, the safety of where her children rest their heads was paramount. Also, as a mother of two of her own and listening to many parents, she was all too familiar with the countless hours spent trying to get babies to settle down and stay calm within their environments. She realized the real problem: no one was genuinely sleeping like a baby! When faced with their observations to vacate the womb, babies miss and crave the comfort of where they have grown for months and have gotten accustomed to love. Especially when being placed on their back, the recommended rest position, babies startle themselves and tend to get fussy.
That’s when the light bulb went off in Nadia’s head, and she became the ultimate matchmaker! She joined together the Pillow and the Sheet to create the perfect DREAM Union. Who would object these two joining together? Together, they eliminated unsafe loose bedding, helped to maintain baby in the optimal rest position, and provide support with maintaining natural head shape. Their “Angel arm” technology provided the comfort and security that babies need. This power couple birthed the Tiny Dreamers Collection designed for the crib and pack n’ play. Finally, our babies could escape unsafe contraptions and settle down quicker, faster, and longer! Our Tiniest Dreamers started to nap, play, and relax in their own crib in the ultimate lounger sheet that mimicked the womb’s embrace in any room.
Together, they found the safest way to introduce Toddlers to a pillow with “Twinkle Stars” and managed to ease separation anxiety with Bear Hugs and friends-bundling sleep and fun into one. PillowSheets™ continued their journey and realized this fairytale union’s love would never end as they built “The PillowSheet™ Suite Dream Collection,” a family of rest and sleep solutions for all ages. “Start Dreaming… with PillowSheets™!”
Takeoff: When meeting someone new, how do you explain what Pillowsheets™ does?
PillowSheets™: We consider ourselves the ultimate matchmakers! We have joined the Pillow and the Sheet to make the perfect dream union. PillowSheets™ is a leading manufacturer of the only patented bed sheet in the world that eliminates loose bedding and integrates a pillow system that offers total body support and transforms any mattress into an instant haven. Truly a match made in heaven.
Are you ready to cuddle? That makes two of us! Our Suite Dream Collection includes Adult Luxury, Pregnancy, Post-Partum, Medical, Hotel, Children, Toddlers, Babies, and Nursery Necessities.
Takeoff: What makes you the most excited about working with Target Takeoff?
PillowSheets™: Pinch me…I’m dreaming. Being selected for Target Takeoff Baby Accelerators is an opportunity of a lifetime. From getting one-on-one coaching with Target leaders, a personalized curriculum and learning from a retail giant…this is one opportunity that PillowSheets could not sleep on!
Takeoff: What makes you the most excited about the future of Pillowsheets™?
PillowSheets™: PillowSheets™ is over the moon that we have managed to crack the sleep code for all ages! The CDC has declared sleep deprivation as a public health epidemic. What started as a dream to create better rest for babies has now proven to be a sleep solution for everyone worldwide.
Our “Suite Dream Collection” is inclusive of “Tiny Dreamers”-a fitted lounger sheet that recreates the embrace of the womb in any room.
“Tiny Tinkle”-the ultimate changing pad cover that makes diaper changing a dream; “Twinkle Stars”-the safest way to introduce a pillow to your Toddler.
“Bear Hugs”- is great for tots on the go! Sleep and fun bundled into one.
“PSU”- transforms the dorm bed and master sleep honors.
“Sleep Pods”-are for family bed-sharing, and sleep transitioners needing to stay in their sleep lanes.
“Adult Luxury”-the sheets that dreams are made on. They relieve achy muscles, provides deep relaxation, support anti-aging, snoring and stress relief. The “Adult Luxury” also features our removable “Not Tonight” pillow.
“We’re Expecting”-the very first pregnancy sheet that is great for Mom’s growing baby bump and increased blood circulation. Also great for nursing.
Our “Healthcare Collection” is FDA approved and designed to solve a vast array of medical conditions. It is an ideal solution for home health, hospital, and care beds.
For some PillowSheets™ is a luxury and for others, a necessity.
Takeoff: What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs who are navigating the impact of COVID-19 to their business?
PillowSheets™: Dare to dream! If ever there was a time to challenge yourself and think outside the box and tap into your creative juices…it’s time! This is the stuff entrepreneurs are built for. Be prepared to pivot…don’t be stuck on things you cannot change but focus on the things you can. Some of the most outstanding businesses and inventions were birthed at the most challenging times. PillowSheets™ Dreamers believe that “every set back is a set up for success!”